Transitions, Transformations and a Little Photography

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I did a podcast
retirement, photography, other Pamela McIntyre retirement, photography, other Pamela McIntyre

I did a podcast

When I started out wanting to learn photography with my Nikon d5600 DSLR camera and 18-55mm kit lens purchased with points, I had no idea where it would all lead. I got that camera about 6.5 years ago now and it was a great camera to learn on. I initially hired my wedding photographer to spend an hour with me teaching me the exposure triangle and how to use the camera - it was a great starting point and got me going.

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The Khutzeymateen experience through a smartphone camera
photography, other Pamela McIntyre photography, other Pamela McIntyre

The Khutzeymateen experience through a smartphone camera

A recent trip to northern British Columbia (Khutzeymateen Grizzly Bear Sanctuary Blog) was an amazing experience from a wildlife, nature and photography perspective. I took my full frame camera along with my 600mm 1.4TC lens and I was able to capture the bears and whales with incredible detail even when we were not able to get right up close and personal.

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All or nothing mentality
wellbeing, mindfulness, other Pamela McIntyre wellbeing, mindfulness, other Pamela McIntyre

All or nothing mentality

I think of peoples’ personalities or traits as being part of a spectrum and it is a fluid spectrum (i.e., I don’t think people act in one manner exclusively as we often identify ourselves), however I do believe that we have preferred approaches or manners. Back in this blog post (

irritability, cabin fever and a breakthrough

) I wrote about viewing the way we react to things like we’re floating down a river between the banks of rigidity and chaos. Going to either extreme puts us in an undesirable state where we’re either digging in our heels over every little thing or feeling totally overwhelmed.

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Follow up on photography retreat
photography, creativity, other Pamela McIntyre photography, creativity, other Pamela McIntyre

Follow up on photography retreat

Well I’ve been back from my photography retreat in New Brunswick for a few weeks now and I’ve finally gotten around to writing about how it went. Meeting up with someone you know primarily from an online space can sometimes be challenging, especially if either or both of you are presenting a “perfect” image of yourself, however I was pretty sure that Heather and I would get along well and not have that awkwardness associated with figuring out what is real and virtual about another person - we’re both rather down to earth and direct people which is refreshing to encounter.

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Kayaking Trip Prep
photography, mindfulness, other Pamela McIntyre photography, mindfulness, other Pamela McIntyre

Kayaking Trip Prep

Over a year ago we planned and booked a kayaking trip based out of Prince Rupert, British Columbia (OceanLight Adventures) and it’s coming up quickly.

It feels a bit chaotic to be going away again with all of the house renos going on, but sometimes you have to go with the flow and just know that it will all work out fine - at least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

The trip is based from a boat where we sleep and eat, but there are kayaks and a zodiac for daytime excursions and amazing photography opportunities with wildlife, birds and marine life abounds.

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Having a new inspiring space
photography, other, creativity Pamela McIntyre photography, other, creativity Pamela McIntyre

Having a new inspiring space

In our old house I had a nice set up in the basement for my photography editing and gear storage. It wasn’t a typical basement as we’d put in oversized windows with the renovation in 2012, so it was very light and airy. There was a patch of hostas in front of the window as well as some ferns that made it lovely to spend time there in the summer months - plus it was always so very cool. Even on a rainy day the view was inspiring.

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Photography Retreat Trip prep
other, mindfulness, photography Pamela McIntyre other, mindfulness, photography Pamela McIntyre

Photography Retreat Trip prep

This feels like a very full year and although some of it was planned there has been some unexpected aspects (like moving house) and before these unplanned events I had several trips in the calendar including a photography retreat to New Brunswick.

I have been part of a really supportive online photography community A Year With My Camera which I highly recommend for new and experienced photographers. One of the many things that I appreciate about being part of this community is the fellow photographers I have gotten to know

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The Stories We Tell Ourselves
wellbeing, mindfulness, photography Pamela McIntyre wellbeing, mindfulness, photography Pamela McIntyre

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

Well I’ve been contemplating this post for a while now (read that to mean that this is a sticky topic for me and I’ve been avoiding committing my thoughts to paper or to screen - so to speak). It is amazing the way our brains work and I’ve been spending a lot of time recently reading and trying to learn more about neurobiology and how we’re wired to think and react to situations we encounter.

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Got GAS?
photography, other Pamela McIntyre photography, other Pamela McIntyre

Got GAS?

In the photography world (and I’m sure other worlds) we talk about GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) which is when you convince yourself that you NEED some piece of equipment in order to advance your craft or to be a better photographer. It is so tempting when there are new features and models coming out almost daily it seems.

I am part of a couple of photography groups online and the number of times that people post questions about new gear

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Mountain Bluebird Nestbox Update
photography, other Pamela McIntyre photography, other Pamela McIntyre

Mountain Bluebird Nestbox Update

Spring is finally making an appearance and those vivid blue streaks of colour marking the male mountain bluebirds’ return to our area have arrived.  I’ve been seeing local photographers posting images of mountain bluebirds and my nest box monitoring partner, Nick indicated he’d seen half a dozen of them while cleaning out nest boxes a week ago.

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Heading to Iceland
photography, creativity, wellbeing Pamela McIntyre photography, creativity, wellbeing Pamela McIntyre

Heading to Iceland

My first trip to Iceland was in December 2022 and I have posted some of my images in this gallery (Iceland). I had a wonderful time and it was actually my first photography focused (sorry about the pun) trip. This was such a different kind of trip for me as there was a lot of time for photography and the pace was much more relaxed than a sightseeing trip.

I found the quality of light was pretty amazing and very different from what I experience here in Western Canada.

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Springtime in Calgary
other, photography, mindfulness Pamela McIntyre other, photography, mindfulness Pamela McIntyre

Springtime in Calgary

We often get a a little teaser of spring and this year was no different. After a particularly cold February (we hit overnight windchills of -50C) I was thrilled to experience a week of mild temperatures that got up to +15C (that’s low 60’sF). I got outside a lot and even Roxy enjoyed some springtime walks.

This is a special treat as the winters can be long for her being cooped up inside or getting the occasional car ride - believe it or not she enjoys running errands with us and even going through the car wash.

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Funks, Negative Thoughts and Some Ways Out
mindfulness, creativity, wellbeing Pamela McIntyre mindfulness, creativity, wellbeing Pamela McIntyre

Funks, Negative Thoughts and Some Ways Out

There is a seductive nature to negative thoughts and energy. As humans we are naturally drawn to remember negative stimuli whether that’s events, words or actions. This is called the negativity bias which is our tendency to not only register negative stimuli more readily, but also to dwell on these thoughts. It makes sense when you look at it from an evolutionary perspective when we were motivated by survival to be attuned to negative/dangerous/life threatening things.

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Experiencing Kenya for the First Time
retirement, photography Pamela McIntyre retirement, photography Pamela McIntyre

Experiencing Kenya for the First Time

I was concerned about spending 3 weeks on safari with the main focus being photography and my non photographer husband becoming bored stiff, however I needn’t have worried as the trip became more about the experience and the people we met than the taking of images (though we did get some epic and special images). It ended up helping us to form an even deeper connection and we have both said that this was by far the most special trip we’ve made together.

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In Search of Snowy Owls
photography Pamela McIntyre photography Pamela McIntyre

In Search of Snowy Owls

From November to February or March each year we are treated to an amazing phenomenon in western Canada and that is the sight of migratory snowy owls who winter in our regions. These are such special birds and listed as vulnerable due to the public interest in them. As a result birders are especially careful about not revealing sighting location details and often waiting until after they have left the area to even post images. This helps prevent large groups of people trying to find the birds and stressing them unnecessarily.

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Finding space and recalibrating
photography, retirement Pamela McIntyre photography, retirement Pamela McIntyre

Finding space and recalibrating

I’m an introvert by nature and while I can feel comfortable taking the lead in a large group setting or giving presentations in public this requires me to use a lot of energy and it can be quite draining. I have noticed that I re-energize by more quiet or solo activities like cooking, reading, hiking and definitely photography.

(As a side note: Susan Cain has written an excellent book about introversion called Quiet - I highly recommend it.)

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Irritability, Cabin Fever and a Breakthrough
photography, creativity, retirement Pamela McIntyre photography, creativity, retirement Pamela McIntyre

Irritability, Cabin Fever and a Breakthrough

Initially I like these cold snaps that force us to stay indoors as I get to do things that I usually put off - like bulk cooking to stock the freezer with soups and stews (my favourite meal when it’s cold), reading a good book, playing board games or catching up on admin things or photo editing and courses. It is wonderful to have dedicated time to do these things for a few days and then......I find myself looking longingly out the window and starting to feel trapped.

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How it all began….
photography, retirement Pamela McIntyre photography, retirement Pamela McIntyre

How it all began….

So you want to write a blog?  The question kept circling around in my head - Why?  What do you have to say?  Who will read it?  There’s so many blogs out there already! My inner critic was on overdrive - loud and vocal about raising self doubt and making me wonder if this really was a good idea. This blog’s future definitely looked uncertain.

Let me give some background to explain how I got to this point. I’ve had a very challenging few years as I came up to retirement - firstly coming to the decision to retire and then actually doing it!

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