Having a new inspiring space

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With the new house comes a new space for my photography studio.

The view from my old office window - even on a rainy day it was inspiring.

In our old house I had a nice set up in the basement for my photography editing and gear storage. It wasn’t a typical basement as we’d put in oversized windows with the renovation in 2012, so it was very light and airy. There was a patch of hostas in front of the window as well as some ferns that made it lovely to spend time there in the summer months - plus it was always so very cool. Even on a rainy day the view was inspiring.

I spent hours in that office space reviewing photos and editing them. It became my sanctuary and I wasn’t sure what the move would mean in terms of a change of photography studio set up.

My new digs

A filmstrip of my favourite images.

When we were looking for a new home some important areas included space for a music studio for Kory (he writes, records, sings, and produces his own music) (Kory’s YouTube channel) as well as a creative space for me to use for my photography.

My needs are quite basic - a desk with a computer for editing, storage space for all of those backpacks (I talk about them here - Got Gas) and somewhere to hang my favourite prints.

We spent a lot of time trying to find workable spaces for us both and as soon as I saw the loft space above the garage in our new home - I knew that it would make a perfect photography studio for me. The space faces west south west and gets beautiful afternoon/evening light.

It is quite spacious with lots of built in storage space and a deep closet to house plenty of backpacks.

Setting up my new space

I waited almost a month to paint and set up my loft space as I wanted to spend some time in it and get a better feel for the light and space - i.e., how I could see myself using it.

Alcove with mobile desk,

There are two alcoves (dormers) with windows and great views, but they are narrow spaces and I wasn’t sure how I’d use them. After a while I recognized that one would make a great space for a small mobile desk that I have - I could see myself setting up my laptop computer on the desk and either standing or sitting while I write my blog posts. The light and the views are very inspiring and this also allows me to get out from behind the big desk and really use the whole space.

The windows are west facing which means there is amazing light at the end of the day and very cool/shaded conditions in the morning which is perfect as I do most of my creative work first thing in the morning.

I have noticed that the light changes considerably throughout the day with wonderful shadows cast as the sun makes its way around to the front of the house.

There is still a lot of set up to do, however I now have all of my camera equipment organized in the storage cabinets. The remainder of my things including course notes/binders and other odds and ends that need a bit of review and sorting out will have to wait for now. I’m thinking this is going to be a winter project.

Using this new creative space

Once I’ve finished setting up some of the common spaces of the house (almost finished) I will be able to get back into some of my habits that have dropped off since we made the decision to move. There is only so many hours in the day and as a result I needed to prioritize time knowing that there is a risk of not getting back to positive habits once they are interrupted.

One of the things that I used to do was spend 15 - 30 minutes in the morning reading a book. I found this wonderful quiet time and I was able to really dive into books I’ve had on my reading list. I am looking forward to re-establishing the discipline of this practice which then leads to spending time writing and journaling. Some of my writing even makes it into blog posts, but some of it is just for my own use.

Cedar waxwing eating berries in our lilac bush.

I have noticed that I’m getting into a nice rhythm with the new house which includes spending time in the morning with my self care routine followed by some household chores or a special project (like weeding and pruning in the garden - this is going to be a never ending job!). I’ve also started to get back into taking my camera out and I’m finding evenings a wonderful time for photography as the birds in our yard are more active and the light is magical.

These interludes are followed by downloading and editing images - I am definitely experiencing busy times, however I’m finding the fullness of the day very satisfying. There is something about being physically active and mentally challenged that leads to a very tired and ready for sleep person - I’ve not slept this well for some time and each day ends with me reflecting on what I’ve accomplished and being grateful for this new experience.

What I hope happens in the future

As I become more comfortable in my space I envision my creative energy flourishing even more. I have been thinking about learning another language and my flute as well as my baritone are very accessible in my new studio - I’m sure that I’ll be starting to spend time practicing them again. Kory and I enjoy playing together during the winter months, so I’d best get my musician hat on again soon!

Do you have a special place where you spend time that is inspiring for creative work or reflective thinking? How have you made the space your own? I’d love to hear about it in the comments or send me a note by clicking on the “Connect with Me” button.

Looking forward to more creative time.

I hope you’ll come back soon, share a cuppa, relax and enjoy more of my musings.

Pamela McIntyre

A recently retired engineer, now aspiring nature and wildlife photographer, I use my craft to promote mindfulness and wellbeing. I write about my transition from working at an executive level position to retirement and how photography has enabled me to find my creativity and reconnect with nature.

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Consistency and habit forming.


Abstract Photography in Iceland