Transitions, Transformations and a Little Photography

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Being outside my routine
wellbeing, mindfulness, other Pamela McIntyre wellbeing, mindfulness, other Pamela McIntyre

Being outside my routine

I have written quite a bit about the changes that I’ve made around healthier eating, strength training and wellness in an attempt to lead a more mindful life and improve my wellbeing. It has taken me a few years to identify the habits that I wanted to introduce and those that I wanted to part ways with - Atomic Habits (James Clear) is an excellent resource and I wrote about it here.

It took a lot of consistency and small changes to build up the good habits that I wanted to introduce, such as strength training, yoga, meditation and photography walks to name a few. Then last April everything changed when we bought a new home.

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Consistency and habit forming.
other, mindfulness, wellbeing Pamela McIntyre other, mindfulness, wellbeing Pamela McIntyre

Consistency and habit forming.

I’ve talked a bit in earlier posts about how the brain loves predictability and in fact our brain rewards us with dopamine hits when we can correctly predict things. However predictability is not always the best thing for us as it can stifle creativity and growth. A bit of surprise occasionally can do wonders for sparking different centres in our brains. There is a lot to be said for balance - a good routine and consistency with some unpredictability thrown in to shake things up and keep us on our toes.

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