Transitions, Transformations and a Little Photography

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Kayaking Trip - how it went
photography, other, creativity Pamela McIntyre photography, other, creativity Pamela McIntyre

Kayaking Trip - how it went

I’m a planner - I think that anyone who knows me or has read a few editions of this blog will know that. I mean I have an app with photos of all my clothes which I use to make detailed packing lists for trips - as I said I’m a planner.

This trip - I was not a planner - in fact I was so out of sync with my usual approach that when asked where we were going a few days before our vacation - I struggled to articulate anything beyond Northern British Columbia and inland passage. Our friends actually pointed out to us where we were going. This is sooooo not like either Kory or me.

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Making Mountain Bluebird Nestboxes
photography, wellbeing, other Pamela McIntyre photography, wellbeing, other Pamela McIntyre

Making Mountain Bluebird Nestboxes

A couple of years ago I found out that a work colleague was also into birding and that he had a mountain bluebird nest box monitoring run. For those not familiar with this program, it started in the 1970’s when mountain bluebird numbers were on the decline due to loss of nesting habitat. They typically nest in tree cavities at the edge of wooded areas and are quite particular about where they nest.

There is also a lot of competition for nest locations amongst other birds

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photography, creativity, retirement Pamela McIntyre photography, creativity, retirement Pamela McIntyre


I think that my interest in birds surprises people as I don’t necessarily fit the stereotypical view of a bird photographer and I think it’s likely time to debunk that stereotype. Many different people (young and old) have found pleasure in bird watching and photographing them as it’s an interest that can be practiced on a short neighbourhood walk or a more lengthy birding destination trip. The stereotype of someone wearing a multi pocketed khaki coloured vest bulging with various birding accessories and a pair of

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